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Pengembangan Software Custom
Solusi Aplikasi Enterprise
Fleksibel & Mudah Di Integrasikan

Mekari Officeless adalah platform low-code yang dapat membantu Anda melakukan akselerasi bisnis dengan pengembangan Perangkat Lunak yang terotomasi. Mekari Officeless dapat di-deploy pada Server On Premise maupun Server Cloud.

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Benefits of Using Officeless Operating System (OOS) Platform

Faster time to market

Organizations may easily and rapidly adopt the applications they require to develop more effective and efficient business processes in their day-to-day operations.

Enhanced productivity

By putting simple-to-use tools in the hands of professionals who oversee complex tasks and collaborate with one another, Officeless Platforms (OOS) can boost productivity.

Greater mobility

Bring your own device (BYOD) is quickly becoming a standard requirement for employees who desire centralized access to tasks and data on a single device. To run all tasks, the Officeless platform supports all devices.

With Officeless Operating System (OOS)

Globally actualize cost effective infomediaries with resource maximizing leadership skills value and leveraged expertise. Dramatically implement B2B models whereas just in time experiences.

Deliver Solutions Fast

Deliver complex business solutions yourself, fast.

Respond Rapidly

Respond to business strategy directions, rapidly.

Stop Buying More Tools

One technology for all solutions and interact with each other.

Existing Resources More Faster

Enable existing resources to deliver 5x faster.

Reduce Dependency

Reduce dependency to external vendors.

Eliminate IT backlogs

Developers can focus on more challenging projects.

Integrate All Legacy Systems

Connect and integrate all existing and legacy systems.

Local Integration Technology

Seamless local integration, e.g. Whatsapp, Traveloka, Artajasa, etc.

Enterprise Grade Performance & Security

Things to consider such as Scalability, Security, Governance, and Performance.

Best Technology Grow Your Business Values

Build your solutions on a single Officeless Studio interface and publish to mobile app (Android & IoS) and web application

Jojo Visual Programming

JVP is an easy to use, intuitive, click, drag & drop interface for partners to do system logic on top of JxM components. With JVP customers and partners will be able to create almost any business logic on their Officeles app with an accelerated methodology supporting their agile development and rapid prototyping mechanism.

Included with...
  • Easy to build process business like lego block
  • Process and transform data from multiple data sources
  • Easy to integrate multiple systems
  • Easy to build backend function
  • Predict data into knowledge with Jojo AI
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Jojo Data Manager

JDM is a dynamic database engine with high performance data processing capability currently at 100k data / 0.5 second. It is equipped with intuitive User Interface for data table setup and CRUD operation.

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Jojo Data Connectivity

Provides capability for customer or partners to connect to almost any database engine for process data transaction and data warehouse. It can be connected to DB2, Oracle, MySQL, PostGre, and SQL Server.

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Jojo Experiance Manager

Provides User Interface (UI) components to help partners create the best User Experience (UX) for their customers. All the UI Components can be selected and combined to become a full feature Officeless app. JxM speeds up customers or partners go to market process, simplifies prototyping mechanism, and enhances partners capabilities for proof of concept.

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Jojo Analyst Dashboard

Customers or partners can easily create interactive charts and graph, giving their customers unlimited data exploration by using an intuitive interface, making it easy to do a data-driven decision making. With the capability of Officeless Data Engine, JAD can visualize data from almost any commonly used database source including from legacy system, ensuring high performance data reading and accurate data operation.

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Jojo Programming Language

Programming language that is easy to understand, with syntax on par level with Javascript. If there is system logic or integration to other system that cannot be fulfilled by JVP then with JPL partners can do further enhancement and create their own automation to fulfill their unique system requirements. System logic such as custom calculation, chat bot flow, data filtering, external system interaction, etc.

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Jojo Artificial Intelegence

JAI is a machine learning module that lets you create programs that learn from your data using Officeless Studio. We provide tools for the entire machine learning lifecycle from ETL to training, cross-validation and production with multiple choices of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.

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Jojo Data Interopperability

Combines JDC and JDM capabilities where partner able to conduct data operation between Officeless databases with external databases on a single interface, giving holistic data visualization of all connected database. JDI allows partner to provide a complete data integration for their customer, between Officeless app and legacy system.

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Jojo Multi Platform

Allows customers or partners to build applications on a single Officeless Studio interface and publish on various platform including Android mobile and tablet, iOS mobile and tablet, and web platform. Ensuring usability on multiple platform with a single effort.

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Jojo Express Deployment

Help customers or partners in deploying their created application on top of Officeless in a very short time compared to conventional methodology. System deployment can be done through on-the-fly or batches depending on customer requirements.

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Jojo Infrastructure as a Cloud

Dast deployment mechanism of Officeless whole assets on either private cloud or on premise. Assets including database, network setup, and other required tools. All assets are mandatory as technologies to ensure the operation of Officeless on customer site. If there are any updates needed, it will be patched to the infrastructure easily by Jojo devops team.

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Do digital transformation in faster cycle...

Be adaptive and agile to digitally run business strategy and mission critical processes.

  • Right Tools

    Use digital solution to move with lightning speed and fast iteration.

  • Enterprise Grade

    Ensure high scalability, security, governance, and performance.

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...be Future-proof with maximized return

Have applications evolve with the business in state-of-the-art enterprise-grade and secure implementation technology.

  • Enable existing resources

    Increase resource productivity and stop buying new tools.

  • Improve data productivity and quality

    Utilize and integrate all existing systems.

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Build Application with Enterprise Grade

Scalability, security, governance, performance.


The solution used must have the ability to protect and monitor assets in the application.


Solutions used by organization must support Rapidly scalable and handle more business processes.


Regulation on the system provide information on all actors to be run in accordance with the purpose.


Factor in applications so that they can continue to be used properly by customers.

With all the Knowledge You Need

Jojonomic Officeless provides access to information for everyone by opening JojoCommunity which can be accessed on Forum, Academy and Documentation.


Enjoy your new forum! Hop over to forum.jojonomic.com if you have any questions, or to join our community.


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Let's follow the latest features along with explanations of functions and how to use all the features.


What They Say About Us

How they benefit from using jojonomic technology - Officeless Operating System (OOS).

testimonial quote

Kick-Off Interview Bank Papua: Digitalisasi Sebagai Solusi Pengembangan SDM yang Handal

Jojonomic as a provider of HR & Finance System Solutions works with Bank Papua for a better work process. Marthinus Wanma, as Head of the Human Resources Administration Department of Bank Papua, has problems in the work process which is still using a manual system and not yet mobile. Bank Papua outlets spread across Indonesia, reaching 200 outlets, making it difficult for the Human Resource Division to register data manually. And the pandemic situation that requires reducing physical contact will be even more difficult if it is still done manually, thus hampering the work process and human resource development which is still not right on target.

Bank Papua Team
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[Application GajianOnDemand] Testimonial - PT. Manunggal Sistem.

Several companies experience the same problem, namely how to help their employees when they have a sudden need. The existing solutions are sought not to harm the company and its employees. Because for the company, employee welfare must be considered for good performance.

PT. Manunggal Sistem


Check our Latest News and Update


Employee Database Management: Definisi, Alasan, dan Tips

Data pegawai merupakan aspek penting lain yang perlu diperhatikan selain pegawai itu sendiri. mengapa demikian? Data dan informasi pegawai bersifat rahasia, jika diakses dan jatuh ke tangan yang salah akan disalahgunakan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Oleh karena itu, Employee Database Management perusahaan menggunakan software database karyawan sebagai sarana penyimpanan data dan informasi secara aman.

Karni Fadhillah
June 23, 2021

Transformasi Digital dengan No-Code Development Platform

Webinar Kolaborasi PT Jojo Nomic Indonesia dan PT Collega Inti Pratama yang didukung oleh PT Telkom Indonesia (persero) Tbk dilaksanakan secara daring dengan tema “Transformasi Digital dengan No-Code Development untuk Mendorong Pertumbuhan Bisnis” pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2021.

PT Collega Inti Pratama
October 14, 2021

Jojonomic & Bank Papua: Kick-Off Implementasi Officeless HCMS

Kebutuhan Bank Papua adalah aplikasi human resource yang terbaik, masalah yang dihadapi sebelumnya dikarenakan kurangnya sistem yang tidak update dan tidak flexible platformnya sehingga akhirnya harus memakai sistem manual lagi. Hal ini sangat membebani team HR & finance tiap akhir bulan.

July 7, 2021